Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George

Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George

Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George

Plant a fruit tree today! A variety of trees are available from Bargain Nursery.

  • Variety of fruit trees available at R80 each
  • Variety of trees available at R60 each

Prices are valid while stock lasts.

They also stock other compost, potting soil, pots, fertilizer and much more.
Visit the Bargain Nursery on the Herold’s Bay Road (R404) between the George Airport & N2

Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George

Visit the Garden Route Business Directory for information on more businesses in the Garden Route and also the Klein Karoo.

The post Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George first appeared on Lalakoi Directory.

The post Plant a Fruit Tree from Bargain Nursery George first appeared on Lalakoi Publishing Network.