Knauf Insulation Special George

Knauf Insulation Special in George

Knauf Insulation Special George

Knauf Insulation Supplies from OJANNA Distributors in George

Get your Knauf Insulation supplies now at special prices from OJANNA Distributors in George.

  • 135mm Knauf Insulation CC 1200×7,5m rolls = 9m2 @ R648/roll excl VAT
  • 100mm Knauf Insulation CC 1200×10,1m rolls = 12,12m2/roll @ R690/roll excl VAT
  • 50mm Knauf Insulation CC 1200x19m rolls = 22,8m2.roll @ R697/roll excl VAT

Prices valid while stock lasts until 29 September 2023.
Prices are for collection at OJANNA George.
Free delivery when part of your ceiling material order.
Prices will be honoured for all orders placed by 29 September COB.

Call OJANNA Distributors in George now to place your order!

Knauf Insulation Special from OJANNA Distributors in George

Visit the Garden Route Business Directory for information on more businesses in the Garden Route and also the Klein Karoo.

The post Knauf Insulation Special from OJANNA Distributors in George first appeared on Lalakoi Directory.

The post Knauf Insulation Special George first appeared on Lalakoi Publishing Network.